The Prince Chronicles
Angel: Chapters 5-7
What's Been Updated
In Their Eyes (Poems)
What's In a Kiss, William?
Prince Charming's Brother
The Frog Prince (Ribbit!)
First Impressions
Trapped in Time with a Prince
Guardian Angel
Till the End of the World
The Secret Behind the Smile
The Clock Strikes Midnight
Girls @ Eton
You're Not the Wills I Knew
Broken Glass Slippers
Daddy Wills
My Soul Will Find Yours
A Twice-Told Love Story
The Day He IMed Me

Chapter Five
"Talk about drama queen," William said as they left the basement afterwards. he mimicked her. "Don't underestimate this..." he snorted. "Puh-lease!"
"Then how do explain the computers?" Drew asked behind him.
"Convenient power failure. The girl's lucky and has this knack for impeccable timing."
"If I had her power..."Harry mused. "I'd be able to make a straight goal everytime. Eton would never lose a game."
"Harry, the power." William made quotation marks in the air with his fingers. "Does not exist."
"I don't know, Wills. She put on a pretty convincing show downstairs." Harry reminded.
William gave a smile. Was he the only one who was living in reality?
"Well, if it does exist. Wouldn't it be cool?" Harry asked.
William went to his room.
"William," Drew called his attention. "That coincidence? That incredible knack of timing? You better be glad it saved your butt the other day." He continued down the hall and left the prince with that thought.

Michelle unpacked her stuff. She surveyed the room. She was so used to the orphnages white walls and row after row of beds. It was a little strange for her to be in this room which was solely her own. With its flower printed wall paper, large bed with flowered comforter and dozens of pillows. She closed her eyes. She had had another room. She had lived in another place. She once had a mother and father. Had. Past tense form.
On top of her clothes was a picture of her mother and father and her. They were at a vacation in Disneyland. She felt herself about to cry. But put a reign on her emotions. She placed the picture on the dresser.
There was aknock on the door.
She turned around.
"Need help?" Prince Harry offered.
Michelle shrugged. He knew she didn't need it.
"I'm sorry about your parents," he asked picking up the picture. "Papa told William and me about the fire."
"I'm sorry about your mom," Michelle told him. And she didnt have to say how she knew."Do you believe I have telekinesis?" she inquired.
Harry placed the picture back. "William doesn't."
"I'm not asking about William," Michelle pointed out. "I'm asking about you."
Harry took a step backward. "To tell you the truth I'm not sure."
"What will it take for you to be sure. You're trusting your safety to it you might as well believe in it."
Harry said nothing.
Michelle cocked her head to one side and looked at him thoughtfully. "Harry, how would you like to fly?"

"She's kind of cute you know," William said to Drew as they went over homework.
"What?" William laughed. "I'm just saying it's a good thing because if she has to pretend to be my girldfriend we'll look good together."
"Well she has to pretend to be my girlfriend first," Drew reminded.
William turned the page of his book as after he answered the last question.
They heard Harry scream.

Drew and William were breathless when they reached Michelle's room.
Michelle stood alone in the center.
"Where's my brother," William demanded, ready to hurt her if he had to.
"I'm up here, William," Harry said, laughing.
William looked up to see his sibling floating near the cieling.
Harry did a backstroke in midair.
William looked up, amazed. Was that really Harry up there? Where were the strings?
Michelle watch his reaction.
Without warning William was lifted from the ground too. "Whoa," he said, feeling strange that there was nothing underneath him for support. But he started to laugh. "It's a bit like Mary Poppin's, isn't it?"
"Peter Pan," Harry corrected.
Drew watched them fly overhead. They experimantally touched the cieling. His eyes met Michelle's.
She raised an eyebrow questioningly.
He shook his head. "No. No. You don't have to-"
Up he went.
"Michelle, put me down," Drew ordered.
She did. After a while she put Harry and William back on solid ground too.
"Still think telekinesis doesn't exist?" she asked.
Words failed William as he smiled ecstatically.
"That was amazing," Harry exclaimed.
Drew waited for the princes to leave before turning to Michelle. "I thought you said you weren't supposed to play with this thing."
Michelle corrected. "I wasn't playing with it. I was proving a point."
Drew looked out the door. "I think you made it pretty clear."

"Can you pass the syrup?" Harry asked.
Michelle knew he wanted another show like the one she gave them last night.
He was disappointed when she got out of her chair and handed it to him.
She went back to her chair.
Dr. Thomas asked. "Why aren't you using your powers? William and Harry said you had no problems revealing it to them last yesterday."
"Yesterday they were disbelieving of it. Now they believe. I have no reason to show them. And-" she looked at the mirror which was decorating a wall. "There was no camera last night." She gestured with her fork. "There's a camera there." She ate her French toast.
Everyone: the scientist, Charles, William, Drew, and Harry looked at the mirror behind Dr. Thomas.
Dr. Thomas addressed Michelle. "How did you know that?" he chewed on his food thoughtfully.
"X-ray vision," Harry guessed, becoming more and more impressed.
Michelle rolled her eyes. They were treating her as if she was something out of science fiction theatre. "Common sense." she corrected. She looked at Charles. "I told you no cameras."
Charles looked at Dr. Thomas. "I wasn't informed of it being placed there."
"I was just-" the doctor defended.
"Violating a contract," Michelle finished for him.
"Little girl-"
Michelle cut him off. "I believe you should be punished for this."
She wanted to play hard ball with him? He laughed. "What are you going to do? Throw a piano in my face? Set me on fire?"
Harry noticed Michelle turn pale at the mention of fire.
Michelle's face changed as quickly as before. Calmly, she said. "You know that session you and I have this afternoon. It's canceled," she informed.
The doctor got out of his seat. "What! You promised me I could question you today-"
"And you knew Charles promised me no cameras and and no questions unless its on sceduled time!"
Dr. Thomas looked at her. Little witchy brat! he cursed silently.
She turned her head slightly toward him. The look she gave him made him careful not to completely rule out the possibilty of telepathy.
Drew spoke. "I think that's justified."
Charles stepped in. "Well, breakfast was delicious. Boys, Michelle. It's time we head for Eton."
Michele stood up. "Excuse me," she told Dr. Thomas coldly as she passed him. "I have work to do."

"So Wills what happened Friday?" his friends greeted him as he arrived at school.
"Oh, bullets flying. Almost getting killed. Same-o same-o. You know, the usual," he joked casually. from the corner of his eye he saw Drew and Michelle watch him it that 'bodyguard' manner. Which meant their overprotective gaze was only noticeable to him. "I want you to meet someone," he told them, waving Drew to bring Michelle over.
"This is Michelle Jameson. She's staying with my family for a month. Her family's close to Papa."
One of the boys attempted to kiss Michelle on the hand.
She changed it to a firm, impersonal handshake.
"Is she still available, Wills?"
William laughed. "Sorry. Drew beat you to it."
The bell sounded.
"Ugh," the boys groaned heading for thier classes.
Drew and Michelle followed behind them.
"Remember the story," Drew whispered to her. "You're a daughter of a close family friend of the Windsors. William introduced you to me over the weekend and we fell in love."
"I can remember a corny story like that," Michelle assured.
Drew noticed her warily eyeing the boys she had just been introduced to."They're William's friends. They're all cool. You can trust them."
"If I'm supposed to be looking out for William," Michelle said slowly - she watched the boys enter thier classroom. "I think..." she looked at Drew. "I'm not allowed to trust anyone."
"You can trust me." Drew said.
She looked at William. The boy whose life she was to protect at all cost. "No, Drew," she said softly."Not even you. And not even William himself."

"So what now?" Michelle asked.
"I attend his class."
"What do I do?"
"You attend it with me," Drew said. "Charles already met with the dean it's okay. Be prepared for a lot of stares though. We don't get a lot of pretty ladies here." He grinned.
"What about Harry?" Michelle asked as they took their seats in the back of the class.
"He has his own bodyguards," Drew assured.
But none of them with the ability I have. Michelle thought. She pondered. William was first so he got the better benefits. The better bodyguards. He needed more protecting. And Harry... She thought back to the day of the shooting. Well, Harry seemed smarter. He had stayed away from the danger. Followed orders till it was safe to get up. William had run straight into fire range. Yes, William needed more protecting.
Michelle watched William who was three rows in front of her. She had watched him before. It was routine for her to pass by the Palace everyday after going to the market for the orphanage on weekdays, and after an midday hot chocolate in the weekends. On days, when he happened to go out - to shake hands, or just walk to the car that would take him to his scheduled appointment; she would stop and watch him. But those were just glances. Now she watched with unlimited time.
She watched him sit down and chat with his friends till the teacher arrived and brought things to order. He cast her one glance and a smile before turning around to face the chalkboard. She watched him take out his spiral notebook, lean back in his chair, every once in a while he would sit straight and jot a sentence or two within its pages. She watched as he placed the pencil behind his ear...

William tried to concentrate on the teacher's lecture but he couldn't! He could feel Michelle's gaze on him. He was used to being watched. Watched by Drew, his other bodyguards, the public. But knowing that Michelle's eyes were on him... He turned around.

Michelle met his gaze then quickly opened the notebook she brought with her. Might as well take advantage of the free Etonian education.
"You don't have to do that," Drew whipsered.
"I want to," she whispered back.
"But- You have to watch William," Drew reminded.
Michelle continued to write. "He's turning around," she informed under her breath. "The teacher's glaring at him for not paying attention. He's sitting up straighter. His seatmate's leaning in to whisper something in his ear..."
Drew listened. She was still taking notes like a professional secretary but she had described William's actions word for word.
Drew, he advised himself. Shut up and just let the lady do her job.

"You were watching me!" William teased Michelle after class.
They hurriedly raced to the next class.
"It's part of my job description," Michelle retorted.
William waved to some guys he knew. "You didn't have to enjoy the view so much."
Drew said nothing. He knew when William was being obnoxious to a girl on purpose.
William tried to hide his nervousness under an arrogant facade. The whole class all he could think about was that Michelle was sitting in the back and he knew if he turned around again thier eyes would meet and... he didn't even want to think about it. "In case you're wondering: I look better on mmy right side," he told her. He went to his desk and talked to his seatmates. He looked at Michelle from the corner of his eye. Well, he certainly was enjoying his view.
Michelle took her spot in the back of the room with Drew. "What's his problem?"
"I think he has a crush on you."
Michelle looked at William whose back was turned to her. "I hope youre wrong, Drew," she told him.
The class started and Michelle took down notes.

Michelle watched William at swim practice. He finished swimming laps and got out of the water. He caught her looking at him and waved.
Slowly, as though uncertain, Michelle raised her hand slightly and waved back.
Drew came up the bleachers. "Here." he handed her a can of soda
She sipped it. It fizzed. Cold in her mouth. No taste.
"How's our prince doing." Drew asked.
"No one attempted to shoot him," Michelle said.
Drew chuckled. "No. I meant his swimming."
Michelle looked over the notes she had taken from William's previous classes. She crossed checked them with text book he had given her. Every once in a while she looked at William to make sure he was all right. "He's an okay swimmer." Michelle murmured chewing on her pen.
"If you think they'll be a threat on his life everyday. I'm sorry to disappoint you. This," he tried to convey the mundaniety of the day. "is usually it."
"But-" Michelle reflected. "Everyday there's the possibility a threat on his life will be made. And when that happens we must be there to prevent it."
Drew nodded.
"What's the hardest part about being a bodyguard Drew?" Michelle asked.
"I guess, I'm still new to the profession so I guess, it would be the point where it all matters. When that bomb goes off. When that bullet is fired and you have to risk your life to save his. Knowing that to make him live you might have to die."
"Might die," she echoed the words.
"I don't think you have to worry about that though," Drew smiled as if they had a secret joke.
"Everyone has to worry about it," Michelle said softly.

"Thank you for accomodating me," Michelle said politely to Mrs. Gailey.
"Anytime," the woman smiled. "It's just on a temporary basis. No trouble at all."
Michelle looked at Drew.
"We'll think of something if you accept the full-time postion," Drew said.
A servant of the school was bringing her luggage in.
William opened the door wide. He cast a glance at Michelle. Why was she making the poor man go through this? he wondered. She could bring the suitcase in herself but why didn't she?
Michelle saw the question in his eyes and turned away. He still didn't know the resposibilty of her power and how dangerous it would be if she abused it.
"Thank you," she told the man. "I'll take over from here."
Drew and Mrs. Gailey left her alone in the room with William.
Michelle went over to the dresser and handed William the books she borrowed. "These are yours." she said impersonally.
William stared at the books. "Dinner," he said suddenly.
"Excuse me?"
"Dinner," he repeated the word. "We're going to have dinner soon. Would you like to join us?"
Michelle shook her head. "I'm msure Mrs. Gailey fixed something up for me."
"Oh," William said.
"Drew's going to have dinner with you. You'll be safe."
William smiled at her. Why doesn't she smile? he wondered. "I guess- I guess I'll see you in the morning."
Michelle looked at him.
"Well, bye," and he left.
Mrs. Gailey walked in the room. "Are you all right my dear?"
Am I ever all right? Michelle wondered. She felt some anger simmer inside her. And with that anger came the power also heating up, waiting to be let up. She took a moment to control it.
"You're a little pale."
"Just tired," Michelle sighed.
Outside the window William walked with Drew to the dorm.
"I think he fancies you," Mrs. Gailey smiled.
"Drew and I are-"
"I meant Prince William." Mrs. Gailey looked at her with hopeful eyes.
"I'm with Drew," Michelle said. The boyfriend/girlfriend story was working out for her after all.

Michelle couldn't sleep that night. She looked out of the window. So William was safe today. She had controlled her powers. But what about tomorrow. And the day after that?
"I'll see you tomorrow." Why did hearing those words from him feel nice?
The best thing for you to do is to not feel for him, Michelle.She told herself. You know what happens when you start feeling. With these words she hardened her heart.
Michelle watched William at swim practice. He finished swimming laps and  got out of the water. He caught her looking at him and waved.
Slowly, as though uncertain, Michelle raised her hand slightly and waved back.
Drew came up the bleachers. "Here." he handed her a can of soda.
She sipped it. It fizzed. Cold in her mouth. No taste.
"How's our prince doing?" Drew asked.
"No one attempted to shoot him," Michelle said.
Drew chuckled. "No. I meant his swimming."
Michelle looked over the notes she had taken from William's previous classes. She crossed checked them with text book he had given her. Every once in a while she looked at William to make sure he was all right. "He's an okay swimmer." Michelle murmured chewing on her pen.
"If you think there'll be a threat on his life everyday. I'm sorry to disappoint you. This--," he tried to convey the mundaniety of the day. "--is usually it."
"But--" Michelle reflected. "Everyday there's the possibility a threat on his life will be made. And when that happens we must be there to prevent it."
Drew nodded.
"What's the hardest part about being a bodyguard, Drew?" Michelle asked.
"I guess, I'm still new to the profession so I guess, it would be the point where it all matters. When that bomb goes off. When that bullet is fired and you have to risk your life to save his. Knowing that to make him live you must die."
Michelle said nothing more, but something in her eyes flickered before she turned her attention back to the prince.
Drew spent most of the day wondering what it was.

"Chelle!" Harry called, running from the playing field. He looked like a kid brother greeting his older sister. "I have a favor to ask."
Drew was holding Michelle's hand which she didn't object to because she knew it fit in with the boyfriend/girlfriend image they were to show the world.
William walked beside them.
"Help me win this game," Harry pleaded. "This jerk boasted that his team could beat mine and I want him to eat his words."
Michelle brought a hand to her face. "Harry--" she started to lecture him that she wasn't going to use her power for trivial purposes such as winning a practice soccer game.
"Thanks!" Harry said before she could decline, running back to the field not giving her a chance to decline.
Michelle sighed, fixing her skirt as they sat on the bleachers.
Drew looked at her worriedly.
William watched her and wondered what she was so grumpy about. Heck, she was Wonder Woman. She could do whatever she wanted with her powers, right? You never heard Superman complaining about running out of strength. So what was her problem? William shrugged it off and wrote it off as a "girl thing". Maybe he wasn't supposed to know.
Harry's team won the game 0 to 3.
They jumped up and down in a victory jig.
"Thanks," Harry grinned at her gratefully.
But I didn't do anything! Michelle wanted to inform frustratedly as she watched him bolt off with the rest of the boys to the shower. But decided not to waste her breath.
He wouldn't have listened to her anyway.

"...Better watch it Drew," one of the boys warned at dinner. "I think William's crushing on your girlfiend."
"Am not!" William blushed.
William thought about it then leaned over the table. "Can you guys keep a secret?"
"William!" Drew said warningly.
"C'mon, Drew, you know they're cool."
He had their attention.
William lowered his voice. "She has telekinisis."
The group of boys looked at each other. Then at William. Then the burts out laughing.
"Yeah right, Wills." Shaking of heads.
"No, seriously. Last night she made Harry and I..."
"Hello," Michelle sat down next to Drew and responded, "All right," to his question on whether she was fine or not. She wondered why everyone was staring at her. She looked at Wills suspiciously.
Wills smiled, seeing he did nothing wrong.
"So...," the bravest of them began. "Wills here has been telling us you can move things with your mind."
"Wills is so full of it." Snicker.
Wills gave her some of his boyish charm. "C'mon, Chelle. Tell em. They're my friends."
How dare he! Michelle thought angrily, feeling the familiar burning within her. And he actually had the nerve to smile! She fought for calm.
Drew looked at her worriedly.
Calm down... Calm down... she thought to herself. Breathe... She ate some of her dinner. "Gentlemen... I have no idea what William's talking about."

"You made me look like fool in there," William confronted her in the hall afterwards.
"You made yourself look like a fool," Michelle seethed.
"Why did you pretend I was full of hot air?"
"Because you are..." Michelle said. She was careful not to give in to the rage she felt at that moment. Which was a lot. "What am I supposed to do William? Tell everyone I'm a freak protecting you... Is that what I should do? Is it? Just because you want to brag?" She glared.
Drew watched the exchange but didn't participate.
"If everyone knows what's going on and finds a way to kill you despite what I;'m able to do, what use will I be to you then?"
William stared at her. When she lectures, her eyes light up and her cheeks flush... he thought.
"... Damnit, Wills, use your head," she walked away.
Drew raised himself from where he was leaning against the wall. "Should I applaud?" he asked as she  passed.
Michelle looked at the smiling boy. Then walked away. The last thing she needed was to get close to him. She was leaving in a month.

Michelle thought about her day, her head resting on her bent arm. She stared at the shadows the moonlight made on the walls. Outside sounds of the night seeped in. As usual she couldn't sleep.
On the other bed in the room was Drew. His back was turned to her and he had a soft snore which showed he was sleeping peacefully.
She thought about William. He had a face, she had always known that. Got along well with his friends... Had charm, she supposed anyone in his position would. But he was a complete doofus when it came to his safety!
She thought about the scene at dinner.
Aloud she said, "Idiot."

Chapter Six
Walking down the stairs, William pretended to trip.
Knowing that he was faking it, Michelle stood behind him and allowed him to fall.
The boys snickered.
William got up and brushed the dirt from his pants and grew red marking this embarassment. He thought he could make Michelle prevent the fall and when the boys saw it he'd salvage what was lost in the humiliation he suffered from last night. "Why didn't you--" he mumbled to Michelle when he was near.
Drew shook his head. When will the boy learn?
"Do what--" Michelle ask innocently.
Boys pointed at Wills and laughed.
Michelle stood in front of him chest to chest. She repeated her tone. "Don't play me for the fool Wills. I told you not to mess with this." She stepped away. "You better hurry. Class is starting."

After school Michelle punched and kicked the heavy bag Drew held it in place. She grunted, with every punch and felt the sweat pouring over her face. It felt good. She was still angry at William for what he did yesterday. And it was good she had somewhere to channel her anger to. If she kept it in and waited for it to explode... It wasn't going to happen. She knew a long time ago, what the consequences would be. It was to be avoided at all costs.
"What are you doing?" Wills asked, walking into Eton's gym. His rubber shoes squeaked on the wooden floor. Harry and another boy walked behnd him.
At the sound of his voice a rush of irritation came over her.
"Helping Michelle work-out. She needs to build her strength." Drew's speech was choppy as Michelle kicked. Aware of the outsiders presence he added. "Gotta keep my girlfriend fit."
"What does she need strength for?" Harry asked naively. "All she has to do is hit them with-- you know what?" He winked at Drew.
Michelle had enough.
Harry was shoved in his chest, hard enough to lose his footing. Though she didn't touch him, he knew who did it.
William tapped the shoulder of his friend. "Did you see that?" he mouthed excitedly.
"See what?" the friend asked, looking at the two princes as if they were sick in the head. He tossed a glance at Michelle to see if she could give him a hint.
"You better go," Drew suggested, he saw what their presence was doing to Michelle.
"But-" Wills objected, as usual clueless.
"Go!" Now it was an annoyed order.
The boys left the gym. The two (you know which two) muttering about how they were the princes and why were they taking orders...
Michelle tried to concetrate on the work-out, resuming where Drew and she had been interrupted. When they were through she took long gulps from her water bottle. Drew was putting the equipment away. Deciding she needed to practice her telekinesis a bit. She placed her shoes and towels in the gym bag using the power of her mind.
"Can you do that?" Drew asked concerned. "I thought you had to ration it. Not play with it." He looked confused, hadn't she said?
"I don't have to ration it..." she told Drew. She let the bag float a bit. "I can do that no sweat." She set it back down. "It doesThat's what scares me.
Drew waited.
"It's just when it's in public. Or when morons like the princes think it's not a big deal... I start thinking oh why me? Is there a drawback to this? Is there a special hell for freaks like me? Am I the only one?" My parents... she shook her head and pushed it out of her mind. She finished the water and tossed the plastic bottle into the trashcan. It sailed in with no problem. "That's when I start to get headaches."
"You're the only one smart enough to be scared of this this. I want to know why."
Drew said nothing. He looked around the room. Satisfied he told Michelle, "C'mere." And brought her to a right armed desk chair. He took a pencil from his backpocket and left it on the table. Sighing, he looked at it intensely and it began to turn in a circle... like the arms of a clock. He made sure his and Michelle's back covered the view to whoever might decide to walk in unannounced. He made the pencil spin faster. He raised it up into the air. Made the spinning stop and lowered it into his opened palm.
Michelle looked at him.
He informed her soflty. "Let's just say Prince Charles has a special requirement to protect his sons."
"Does William and Harry know?" The headed out the gym
"Do they ACT like they know?" he grinned. He placed the pencil back into his pocket. He slung the gym bag behind his shoulder.
How'd Charles find out? Bri wanted to ask. Are they doing tests on you too? How'd you get...
Drew saw all the questions on her face. "Listen, you're going to meet with Dr. Thomas tomorrow. I kinda want you in there without knowing my answers before hand. I'll let you know afterwards."
"Fine," Michelle agreed.

They might as well just put me in a prison cell Michelle thought as she sat in front of Dr. Thomas. Dr. Thomas was asking her questions. Michelle was grateful that the desk stood between them. It wouldn't help at all if -- she tried not to think about it -- but still... nice that it was there.
Drew paced in the other room. He wondered why they still bothered to place a one-way glass between the rooms. Michelle knew who was on the otherside.
The three princes pressed their noses against the dark window.
"She's making him frustrated," Harry whispered, his breath fogging the glass as he watched Dr. Thomas about to tear his hair out.
William's eyes were focused on Michelle, her one-length hair held in place by a headband. Her face remaining passive. William knew that to know what Michelle thought and felt one had to look into her eyes... Does she ever lose her cool? he wondered. Does she ever blush?
Dr. Thomas stood up abruptly and stomped out of the room.
Was it Wills' imagination or was that a ghost of a smile on Michelle's face.
"The girl is impossible!" the scientist announced marching through the door. It slammed behind him. "I can't get anything out of her."
Drew and Charles exchanged a look.
Drew shook his head to the unspoken question. No, they were not going to tell this man about his power as well.
"Argh!" the man screamed, expressing immaturity for his age of 40. He looked like he wanted to throw something.
This is a good time to leave the room, Harry thought. I'll just side step here to the --
"William!" the scientist suddenly announced, head snapping up.
"Me?" the blonde prince asked. Know anyone else in the room named William, dear?
He handed the notepad to him and pushing him to the door. "You ask her the questions. Maybe she'll open up to you."
"B-but," Wills protested, trying to plant his heels.
"Use some of that bloody charm the teen mags think you have boy!" Shove!
The door closed behind him.

Michelle was playing with a pencil on the table when she heard the door close. She looked up to see William, clipboard under his arm and for some reason looking nervous.
"Hi-i," he stammered. He looked around. Probably for an escape. There was none.
Michelle raised one brow inquiringly.
"Um..." William found the room stuffy. He looked at the sole window and knew they were watching. Knowing Michelle's and his history with each other and what she was capable of doing he wasn't sure if being alone in a room with her was a good idea. Sit down. Ask the questions. "Okay..." William told himself as he pulled out his reading glasses that made him looking sexily intelligent. "How did you get this power?"
Michelle told him what she told the doctor. "I don't know."
William looked at the options on his list. "Is it hereditary?"
Michelle thought of her parents. "I don't think so."
"Have you been in contact with anyone who has the same ability?"
Drew, Michelle thought but never said. She remained silent.
William threw the pen down and rubbed his temples. "This isn't getting us anywhere."
"What do you want me to do? Make up some answers for you Wills?" She asked. "Fine... Hmmm, I went on a trip in Tibet. When I got struck by lightening I was taken in by some monks who made me drink the sap of their medicinal tree. When I arrived back in Lodon I started to be able to move things. Better answer for you?"
The doctor came in. "I think this is enough for today." He touched William on the shoulder. "We'll continue tomorrow."
The answers aren't going to change, Michelle thought.
"We'll bring Michelle into the other lab now."
Oh great. Moving things. The EASY stuff. Michelle followed the doctor.

"Charles found me at Ascot. I was making my horses win," Drew laughed. "Somehow he figured it out."
"Yeah, he's very perceptive like that." They were walking around St. James before dinner. "Is William all right. No one's going to try wnything with him in the shower."
"There are cameras everywhere. We'll be alerted." Drew paused. "Well, Charles asked if I would like a job and then here I am."
"What about the doctor?"
"Oh, he doesn't know. He saw you in the news slow mo-ed the tape and pleaded with Charles to work on you."
"So you don't know where it's from either?"
Drew stretched. The sun was setting. "Nope. Like my ten fingers and ten toes. I accept it as a part of me." He plucked a red rose from a nearby bush and handed it to Michelle. He laughed.
Michelle accepted it. "Beanbag chairs." she rolled her eyes and laughed with him.
"Good to see you smile."
Michelle shook her head. "It's just that I know what I can do and using beanbag chairs to test my limits seems a bit ridiculous at this point."
Thay talked as they went back to their rooms. William would be done with his shower by now.
Chapter Seven
He would've walked right by her room.
Except she made a sound.
Curious, William opened the door. "Michelle?" he called her name. The room was dim. A stream of light came from the lighted hallway falling on her. He had stood back when Drew carried her up. She looked so peaceful that William made the conclusion that he had imagined the sound and turned to leave.
A moan came from her.
William came back. "Michelle?" he called again.
She began tossing and turning. "No...Mama...Papa...the fire." Her eyes opened with such suddenness it it shocked William.
He made a move towards her.
She got out of the bed and began running for the door.
William stopped it. "Hey..." he called softly.
Michelle looked at him confused. "I have to get away from the fire," she begged.
"There's no fire..."William told her. When he looked into her eyes he realized that she was still caught in her dream world.
"Yes, there is!" Michelle told him. Tears were filling her eyes. "I have to save Mama and Papa. I have to save them. But I don't know how? I-I" She sobbed against his chest.
Her sudden move surprised him, but his arms came around her. He stroked her hair as she continued to cry. He led her by the hand. "It's all right. It's just a dream." he told her, setting her back into bed. He moved to leave but she clung onto him with such need he didn't have the heart to.
"The fire... I have to save them," she mumbled over and over again.
William kept his arms around her. "Everything's going to be okay," he whispered. "Everything's going to be fine."He looked at her shaking figure and wondered what demons were tormenting her mind.

...She was eight years old. And there was the fire. But she wasn't scared. She wondered why she wasn't scared.
"Chelle? Chelle?" her Papa called through the thick smoke that was choking him.
"I'm over here Papa," she told him.
Jack Jameson looked at his daughter. The fire and smoke stopped a few feet away from her. As if she had a forcefield protecting her from the menace of the situation. He grabbed her by the hand. "C'mon we have to get out of here!"
"Why, Papa?" she asked, smiling. "The flames are so pretty." She played with the flames with her mind. She made the smoke form figures and made the flames leap higher and higher.
"Don't play with it!" her father said.
"But Papa!" little Michelle whined. "I'm having fun!"
"Jack?" came the voice of her mother.
"Diedre? Over here," Jack called to his wife.
She coughed. "We have to get out of this building." She took Michelle's hand. "Let's go."
"No!" Michele told her. She took her hand back and stood in her place.
Dierdre tried to reason with her. "Honey, listen to Mommy: we have to get out of here NOW!"
"No!" Michelle said louder than before.
Without warning a flame lept up and set her mother on fire.
"Chelle!" Jack scolded his daughter. "Stop it! You hear me? Stop it!" he shook her to bring her to her senses.
"You're hurting me, Papa!" Chelle shrieked. She pulled away from him. Flames licked at his clothes and soon he was also set on fire.
Michelle stood back and watched her parents fight the flames. She watched in awe.
"Michelle stop it! Don't you see we're dying," Jack yelled.
Dying... Oh no! The word filled her with terror. She liked seeing the fire since it was so pretty but she didn't want Mama or Papa to die!  She began to cry and she felt the power escape her.
"Use your power to control it!" her father was telling her.
"I'm trying. I'm trying!" she told him, panickedly. She looked at her parents in agony and tried to will the flames down. Try to smother them. Anything! But it seemed as if the more she tried to control them the bigger and more out of control they became.
"Michelle!" her parents called her.
"Mama! Papa!" she called to them. She ran through the hot wall that separated them. But she couldn't find them The smoke was so thick. She would try to clear the smoke with her mind. But it would only get worse. She sat on the floor, the fire didn't touch her. She sat and cried till she passed out from exhaustion.

Someone's arms were around here. Her father? This person reminded her of her father. His strong arms in a comforting position around her. The feel of his chest as she leaned her head against it. And the tone of his voice telling her, "Everything's going to be all right."
Michelle looked up. But instead of her father she saw a boy her age. But wait! She was eight and he was sixteen. No, wasn't she sixteen too? There was something special about him. He was a prince. Yes. He was a prince. Why was prince in her room? William... the name whispered in her mind. His name was William. Why was he looking at her so worriedly?
"I-I" he stammered his arms were still around her.
She let go of him and moved to the far end of the bed.
"I'm sorry," he told her. He wasn't sure what he was sorry for.
She looked at him. She clung to the sheets letting them give her an odd sense of security. She blinked. She said nothing.
He moved away from her. When he reached the door he looked back. "I'm sorry," he said again.
The door closed behind him leaving Michelle alone in the darkness.

Angel: Chapters 8-...

©Copyright 1998-2002 TPCstarrside