The Prince Chronicles
Glass: Chapters 9-11
What's Been Updated
In Their Eyes (Poems)
What's In a Kiss, William?
Prince Charming's Brother
The Frog Prince (Ribbit!)
First Impressions
Trapped in Time with a Prince
Guardian Angel
Till the End of the World
The Secret Behind the Smile
The Clock Strikes Midnight
Girls @ Eton
You're Not the Wills I Knew
Broken Glass Slippers
Daddy Wills
My Soul Will Find Yours
A Twice-Told Love Story
The Day He IMed Me

Next time there was a public appearance:
Laura looked at the flashing lights of the photographers and thought, this again, as she followed after her parents and walked in between her two brothers.
The voices of boys in the crowd caught her attention.
"Do you think they're real?" one asked.
"No way!"
A snicker.
When Laura turned to face them she found out they were staring at her chest.
One of them winked at her.
William urged her forward. "Forget them. They're not worth your time."
Laura attempted a laugh. "I know that..." But she felt uncomfortable. Why did people pay attention to junk like that, anyway?
"Implants," one said loudly.
"Nah, It's padding."
Three of them started to chant. "Padding! Padding!"
Laura was suddenly aware that everyone in the crowd was looking at her for a reaction.
"Just get inside," William told her.
"Padding! Padding!"
"They're just a bunch of immature dimwits." Harry gently, tugged her arm.
"Laura, come inside!" Charles bellowed from the hotel entrance.
The only thing Laura could see was the leader's smirk. It happened so fast. Without taking her dress off, she took out her bra (if you don't know how to do this; you weren't in my PE class). She stood there holding it in her hands. The crowd stared at the article of clothing in amazement. She threw it in the guy's face. You could hear the SNAP as garter hit skin. "**** you!" she cursed.
William and Harry were speechless.
Charles frowned.
A smile of amusement was on Diana's face.
With one flash of a photographer's light; other followed.
Diana opened her mouth to protest.
"Mum, I can handle my own battles," Laura told her. She yelled at the photographers. "You make my life a living hell." She then stormed past her father into the building.
"Your life is a living hell." someone called. "We just photograph it!"
Of course that was in the tabloids.

The next media event:
They were in the hotel suite where they were to stay overnight since the party was to go on till the next day.
"Yes, Papa. No, Papa. I'll never do it again Papa." Nod. Nod. Nod. Laura did her ritual as Charles scolded her. Fact of the matter was she didn't care anymore. Nothing seemed to please the public. Or so nothing seemed to please him. The only consolation was that her shenannigans prevented her parents from dominating the front page.
"You are to be with your guard at all times. I don't want you to leave the room without checking with me first-"
"Not even to use the loo?" she drawled.
"- don't speak unless it's absolutely necessary." Charles continued. "Until you start behaving more decent consider yourself on probation."
"Darling," Diana addressed her husbadn. "Aren't you being a tad harsh?"
"Why don't you just put her on a leash?" William muttered to the side.
"If you're so afraid of what she'll do let her stay at home," Harry mumbled meekly in his twin's defense.
Charles piercing gaze on her Laura. "Because that's what she wants. And in this family bad actions do bot get rewarded. Besides the public wants to see her."
Laura gave him a sick smile. "Can't disappoint them now, can we, Papa?
He only took Diana's hand and went out of the hotel room.
Laura took one glance in the mirror. "Thanks for the defense guys..."
"He's harder on you because he likes you the best," William informed.
Harry looked on worried. "You're okay?"
"After hearing the speech like that for more times than I can count?" Laura felt ashamed that her voice cracked. And that a lone tear rolled down her chek. She wiped it away. No one should see a royal cry. "I think I would say I'm immune."
"Sis-" Harry started.
But William stopped him. "C'mon. They're waiting for us downstairs."

Laura nodded to a boy she barely knew. Her guard was three feet away from her at Charles instructions. The conversation was mildly interesting and she recognized the flirtations the boy sent in her direction which she didn't respond too. After the date with Rob she forbade herself to think of any guys in the form of crush terms. So far the night had been well. Which meant nothing of tabloid potential happened.
"Appetizer?" a waiter came by and presented her with choices on a tray.
She raised her eyes. "Greg!"
"Your Highness," he mumbled, moving.
"Excuse me," Laura hastily told her companion as she persued Greg. It was then the guard lost her in the crowd. She caught up to him in the kitchen.
"Greg," she was breathless.
He was busy making appertifs. "Um, I don't think you should be speaking to me," he mumbled, not looking at her.
"Why?" she demanded.
"Uh - I'm common?" he said.
"It doesn't make a difference." To me anyway, she thought.
"Okay..." Greg dragged the word out.
"How's your mom?" Laura wanted to know.
He only said. "She's not here."
"Is she sick?" Laura asked, concerned.
Greg turned away from her. "I really don't want to talk about it."
Why? "all right," Laura allowed.
There was a pause.
Out of courtesy Greg asked the princess. "How are you?"
Laura gave a bitter laugh.
Greg took two steps away from her.
The kitchen was empty except for the two of them (odd, don't you think?). "Other than the fact that the tabloids have printed me out as some kind of rebel? That my parents world is falling apart but the public so I have to keep acting like a rebel? Don't mind it actually, sort of fun. But I feel as if I'm undergoing some kind of moral decay..."
Greg looked at the princess stunned. "W-Why are you telling me all this?" Didn't she know that 'how are you?' was a greeting? Not an actual question?
Laura looked at his flabergasted expression."Because- Because," she fumbled. You're my brother. Talking to you makes everything better. I want you to hold me and tell me everything's going to be all right. That everything bad in my life is going to pass. Laugh at my worries. You're my eternal optimist. She looked at his confused face and a loss was felt inside her. She forced laughter. "You know what?" she rose from the place. "I shouldn't have blabbed that out to you. I mistook you for someone else." She went through the door of the kitchen and banged her head on the wall lightly. "I wish- I wish-" the words were on her lips. And she expected Jory to appear. But he didn't.
Her eyes roved the room, taking in the crystal chandeliers, the twinkling jewels adorned by the people in the room, her eyes landed to where Diana was talking. Several people were in conversation with her obviously captivated with what she was saying.
"I wish-" but she shook her head. A part of her still didn't want to go back to her old life where she was had to wait on these people with a fake smile. In a way, isn't that what you're doing now? a voice inside her asked. She told it to shut up.
Glancing around the room again she noticed. Her gaurd was no where to be seen."Papa's not going to like that," she whispered to herself. Her hand found its way to the concealed pocket in her skirt and inclosed the card key for the hotel room upstairs. She had done her duty. She had come down and was seen. Now all she wanted to do was sleep. And she hoped that when she awoke the bad feeling in the pit of her stomach would go away.

Chapter Ten
Laura slipped the card key in and opened the door. She heard whispered voices.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"You're married."
A pause.
"She may have my name but you've always had my heart."
Laura felt herself go cold. Surely, it can't be--
"Oh, Charles." It was a sigh.
She heard kissy noises and made a face. Her heart fell like an anvil when she realized: Oh my, they must be- Ew gross!- she just got a MENTAL PICTURE. "Gross! Gross!" she said as she immediately locked the door. BANG! It was loud, they must've heard.
Laura wiped the palm that touched the knob on the skirt of her dress as if she just held something slimy. "Gross! Gross!" she stamped her feet on the hall. She shook her head to get the image out. A sour taste had appeared in her mouth. Ewwwww! Why did she picture herself telling this to a psychiatrist later on? She backed away from the door as if it were on fire.
"I'll see you downstairs," someone called to a person off the scene.
Laura recognized the man at the end of the hallway. He was a reporter and a sleazy one at that. He could exaggerate an already outrageous story and make it sound worser than worse. She looked back worriedly at the door--yuck! Mental picture-- If word ever gets out...
She ran down the hallway. "Hey, Dorkhead," Laura called his attention.
"Your Highness," the reporter called, already holding out a tape recorder. "I'd like to get your comment on--"
Laura turned around and ran away and down the stairs.
As planned, the reporter followed her.
Away from Charles, Camilla, and the story that would mean the beginning of the end.

Princess Diana tried to pay attention to what the woman was saying but couldn't. She looked around the room for Laura but couldn't find her daughter anywhere. Charles is going to be mad when he finds out, Diana thought. Further inspection of the room made the princess realize that her husband was also no where to be found... He's with her! Diana thought bitterly. She sipped her champagne. It helped.
The door on the far wall opened and Laura came charging in.
"Wait!" a reporter was at her heels. "Why are you running? Come here. I just want to talk to you."
From another point of the room Laura's guard spotted her and ran after her as well. "Your Highness!" he yelled.
Diana looked at her sons, William and Harry, who were speaking with their friends.
Their eyes met their mother's.
She nodded.
Leaving their friends behind, the princes went after their sister.
Laura shoved people out of her way to get to the elevator. So well brought up, don't you think? Once inseide, panting, she pressed the close doors button as hard as she could.
The reporter was catching up.
Harry and William slid into the closing lift in the nick of time.
The door closed. Leaving the reporter, the royal children's guards, some photographers, and a few hotel officials stranded on the floor, cursing at the princess.
Harry leaned on his knees to catch his breath. "You do realize Papa's going to have our arses for this!"
William looked at Laura.
The elevator ascended.
"What happened?" he asked.
Laura held her hand up. "Trust me Bro you don't want to know!"
What did she mean by that?
William and Harry exchanged a look.

"What is going on?" Diana walked up to one of the officials in front of the elevators.
"Your children, Ma'am," was all he could say.
"May I speak with them?" she asked.
"Go right ahead," he handed her a talkie which was connected to the speakers inside the elevator.

"William. Harry. Laura. This is your mother speaking," the female voice announced.
Harry and Wills looked at the corner of the box.
Laura tried to block her voice out. She needed to think.
"Now I don't know what's happening. But I strongly suggest you reverse the direction of the elevator. We will be waiting."
Sounded fine to William and Harry.
Laura thought about it.

The sound of alarm bells erupted in Diana's ear.
She handed the talkie back to the man.
"What's going on?"
"One of them must've hit the emergency brake button."
"Why would they do that?" maternal concern showed in Diana's voice. "Are they all right?"
"We don't know, Ma'am."

"Why did I have to be a prince?" Harry wailed as he got out of the elevator from the hole in the ceiling. He helped Laura up. "Couldn't I be a fireman?"
William helped Laura remove a part in the cieling, gave his sister a boost and tried to ignore the glimpse of pink underwear he had seen as she raised herself through the hole. He lifted himself out last.
"Your Highnesses, Are you all right?"
Not knowing what to do the boys waited for instructions from their sister.
Laura looked around. "There must be something..." she murmured. "A loose portion of the wall..."
William and Harry began feeling the flat surface.
"I think I got it," William exclaimed, feeling a portion move beneath his palms. (Yes, the author is making this up as she goes along).
Laura and Harry helped him push. The wall gave way and they fell onto the floor of the otherside.

"The elevator stopped on the fifty-second floor," the man with the walkie-talkie informed as if that meant anything.
Prince Charles came down. "What's going on?"
Diana shrugged her shoulders. She didn't know.
"You lost our children?" Charles asked her.
The officer relayed to them everything that was happening.

William, Harry and Laura looked at the locked door.
"Open up!" the hotel security called through the door.
William looked around the dark, empty meeting room. "Any more bright ideas?" he asked Laura.
Laura paced the room. She had made everyone chase her so they wouldn't think about Charles... Now if they get caught... Harry was right. Charles was going to have their hides.
Harry spoke up. "We are trapped. Let's just go out and face the consequences."
Laura felt like laughing. If they had been just three regular kids she doubted anyone would've made a fuss. Maybe complain.. but that's it. But since they were royal...all this hoopla. She found that a bit funny. She came to the window.
William and Harry looked at her.
Smiling, she opened the window.
Harry and William watched her warily.

"My men just broke into the room," he informed. He paused. "And your children just jumped out the window."
"What?" Charles and Diana screamed.
"Don't worry they're all right."
Sigh, from the parents.
"They're on the window washing lift."

Harry and William came on, bookending Laura and worked the ropes. Slowly, they made thier way down.
"We are going to be in so much trouble." Wills mumured as he worked.
"You're having fun Wills admit it." Laura laughed as she looked down.
Below them London was a bustling city.
William smiled inspite of himself.

Diana looked out the window.
Laura tapped on the glass and waved. "Hi, mom."

The lift stopped two feet above the side-walk. The trio jumped off.
From the side of the building their guards came after them.

"They just got into a taxi," the man informed the Prince and Princess.
Charles threw his hands up. No telling where in London they were heading.

"Take a warm bath and then go to sleep," Diana kissed Laura's drenched hair. "You'll catch pneumonia."
The guards had caught them in a park, playing in a water fountain. So did the photographers. The fun had ended there.
Wills and Harry were already buttoning up thier pajamas.
"I will," Laura promised her mother. She looked around the hotel room. Just a few hours ago... She couldn't wait to return to the Palace. The room gave her the creeps.
"Why did you do such a thing?" Charles asked his daughter. He was done lecturing the group, and the boys. Now it was time to lecture her. The ring leader.
"I'm going to take a bath," Laura told him, dismissing the matter.
"Don't use that tone of voice with me, young lady!"
Laura avoided looking at him.
"Face me when I'm talking to you," Charles ordered.
She did so.
"I want to know why you're acting this way."
Laura hugged the towel to her body. With cold fingers, brushed back the wet ringlets from her forehead. She looked him in the eye. "Papa, when I get married. Would you want my husband to cheat on me?"
"Laura, that's a silly question. I would beat the life out of him if he did that."
Laura looked across the room where Diana was. "Remember that." she told him.
"When?" Charles asked.
"Always." Laura said seriously. She got from her bag the wet card key and pressed it in his hand.
Charles looked at it. A faint memory stirred. The door slamming. Laura had --? He raised his eyes to meet his daughter's. It was going to be her name in the papers the next issue, Not his.
"Papa," tears which she couldn't shed in her voice. "I acted this way for you."

Chapter Eleven
Laura stared at the headline in belief. She had been doing backflips -- literally and figuratively been doing back flips -- to prevent this from happening. And STILL her parents' names managed to get on the headlines. On the front page was a full blown blurry picture of Dodi and Diana kissing on a boat. Thanks a lot Mom and Dad! She thought. This is the thanks I get for acting like an idiot in public? Where's the love?
In the living room of St. James Palace Charles was lecturing Diana.
Laura paced William's room where the three kids had gathered till the adults outside decided what to do. The door was opened a slight crack so they could see the parents arguing.
Charles held the paper to his chest like a banner displayed. "How could you?" he asked. He threw the paper in her direction. It hit the coffee table and slid onto the floor.
"Oh, don't give me that!" Diana exploded. Her tan from her vacation showed against the whiteness of her outfit. "You knew all about me! And I know all about you and that horse-faced biddy. So, don't you dare give me that!"
"I mean, how could you get caught!" Charles insisted, his voice rose.
Diana gave a mocking laugh. "Oh, is that the new law of marriage, Charles? You can cheat? Just don't get caught?"
"We've been doing so for fifteen years!"
Inside the room William and Harry winced.
"Now the whole world knows," Charles sighed, as a pronouncement of doom. He defeatedly sunk into the couch.
Diana said nothing only turned her back to him.
It's not her fault! Laura wanted to throw herself on the Prince and beat his chest with her fists. It's the photographers. If it wasn't for those darned pictures you could still fake it! You could still pretend you guys are in love!
"What are we going to do?" Charles asked. In tyhe back of his mind he wondered what action his mother was going to take.
Princess Diana marched to her room and slammed the door shut.
"That's fine, Di. Run and hide like you always do." Charles talked to the empty room.
William who couldn't stand being silent any longer ran after his mother.
She was packing things into a suitcase.
He was afraid to ask. "Mum, where are you going?"
"Just away, Dear"
"To HIM" Charles accused, materializing at the doorway.
Harry and Laura took their place in the scene.
"to my brother's," Diana glared at her husband. "Till your father stops being --"
"All right." Charles hissed. "Blame me! I'm not the one who -- "
His children looked at him. This was afterall, still their mother he was talking to. He better be watch it!
Harry asked their mom. "You're coming back, right?"
Charles and Diana looked at each other.
"Sure," Diana assured her youngest. "It's just for a little while."

Glass: Chapters 11-13

©Copyright 1998-2002 TPCstarrside