The Prince Chronicles
Glass: Chapters 1-4
What's Been Updated
In Their Eyes (Poems)
What's In a Kiss, William?
Prince Charming's Brother
The Frog Prince (Ribbit!)
First Impressions
Trapped in Time with a Prince
Guardian Angel
Till the End of the World
The Secret Behind the Smile
The Clock Strikes Midnight
Girls @ Eton
You're Not the Wills I Knew
Broken Glass Slippers
Daddy Wills
My Soul Will Find Yours
A Twice-Told Love Story
The Day He IMed Me

This story may contain mental images disagreeable to some. Continue reading with your own discretion. You have been warned.

Chapter One
"Oh, Brother," Laura sighed her expression of exasperation as she set down two empty trays of hors 'd earves she had been carrying.
"Cheer up, Sis." Gregory Wallace told her, re-stocking the trays.
Laura pointed to the party taking place outside the kitchen. "Those people are such pigs!"
"The more they eat. The more we get paid." Greg grinned.
Laura smiled too. It wasn't always easy for thier family to make ends meet. But thier mother was determined to pursue her dream as a caterer. The business was headed by thier mom and several other people. Laura and Greg took notice of all the sacrifices she had done for them in the past. And it was their turn to be supportive. Tonight it seemed that all thier suffering was going to pay off.
Laura reached for one of the snacks.
Greg slapped her hand away with a smile. They weren't supposed to eat the inventory.
Laura snuck one into her mouth anyway. And stuck the chewed out contents at him.
"You are way gross," Greg laughed.
"You're my brother. I can be gross with you." She sighed, taking the few precious moments to rest her feet.
"Aren't we lucky that the cooks got this epidemic of flu? Catering to the Royal Family. How's that for advertisement!"
Greg started re-stocking the other tray. "I'd say we're lucky one of the cooks recommended us."
Laura peeked outside of the kitchen. "Look at them not a care in the world. Man, I'd like to live like that instead of wearing this skimpy waitress outfit and dodging men out to pinch my bum."
"C'mon, Sis. If Prince William pinched you in the bum I'm sure you wouldn't object."
"I'd throw these ham crackers in his face. Then Mom would get fired and ... Okay, I promise I'll be good."
"Get out there Your Highness," Greg smiled.
Laura took the trays out.
Her mom met her at the door. "I'll take these. Find another case of champagne and wine. We're out already."
Laura trudged back into the kitchen and went down the cellar. "Wine. Wine. She looked at the empty shelves. "Don't tell me the Royal Family's stock of liqueur has already diminished. "Aha!" she spotted a case. She carried the big load up the wine cellar stairs. She placed it on the floor And picked one. She uncorked it and was about to pour the bubbling liquid into the flute glasses.
"You have released me," a voice came out of no where.
Laura looked up and saw a boy her age (who was kinda cute) standing next to her. "How did you get in here?" she asked.
He gestured to the bottle.
Laura looked into it. It was empty. Trust the royal family to do something like keep a champagne bottle with no champagne in it. She thought. "Well, if you're here to help you can start by arranging those crackers on the tray."
"Is that a wish?"
"No, it's an order."
"I'm a genie," the boy told her, doing as he was told.
"Yeah, and I'm William's sister," Laura told him.
She uncorked another bottle and started filling glasses. "Aren't genies supposes to be all smoke and stuff?"
"Actually, we quit that practice a long time ago. It has been proven to freak some people out. This appearance seems to be more pleasing."
Laura checked out the physique. "Definitely more pleasing."
"My name's Jory," he said.
"You guys have names now? My my. We have gone modern century." She hastily shook his hand. "I'm Laura." She arranged the glasses on the tray. "
"Laura," he mother went into the room, "Hurry up," and she left.
"Hurrying," Laura called. She looked at Jory. "She didn't notice you?"
Jory smiled. "No one can see me or hear me but you."
Laura picked up the first bottle. "Okay, just how long have you been sniffing the alcohol fumes in here? You are so wacked!"
"Don't believe me? "Jory asked. "Try me. Make a wish. Same old rules though. Three wishes per master. No wishing for more wishes."
Laura rolled her eyes. "Okie. I'm up for a laugh tonight. I WISH I WAS A PRINCESS."
There was silence.
"I knew it. You were playing with me," She handed the bottle back to Jory.
Greg came in the room. "Your Highness, what are you doing here?"
"Stop with the Your Highness thing Greg," Laura said. She handed the trays to him.
"How did you know my name, Your Highness?"
Diana entered the room.
Laura's mouth dropped open.
"I was wondering where you were, darling. Come outside the guests are waiting for you."
Laura let her take her by the hand. When she saw her reflection on the ovens she realized she was wearing a silk dress and a tiara. She was all made up.
When she stepped out into the room everyone was smiling and nodding, bowing slightly. Different from the cold air they gave her earlier.
"Laura, are you all right?" Diana asked.
You're supposed to be dead, Laura wanted to say. "I guess- I guess-"
Diana placed her behind in front of a clearing the crowd gave them
Laura almost fainted when she realized who was on her right. Prince William!
He smiled at her.
Laura felt her heart swoon.
"And you stand next to Laura," Diana told Harry.
Cameras flashed for a picture.
From the kitchen a huge cake was being rolled in.
"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Laura and Harry. Happy Birthday to you." The crowd sang.
My birthday's in March, Laura thought. But she blew out the candles with the prince anyway since it seemed that was expected of her.
Without warning, Harry grabbed a load of icing and smeared her cheek with it.
Laura was too dumbstruck to react.
"Harry, none of that," Charles scolded.
"Daddy's favorite," Harry muttered to Laura's confusion.
"Okay, Now can we have a picture of just the twins together." the photographer suggested. "Make sure the camera picks up that icing. It looks so cute."
Twins? Laura wondered. She smiled for the pictures. I'm dreaming, she told herself. I'm still in the kitchen and I'm dreaming. Any second now Mom or Greg is going to do through the door and scold me for sleeping on the job. If it was dream it was going to have to end after the party. She was enjoying the attention.
"Hello, Peter," Diana greeted, the young man who approached them after the photo session.
Laura looked at the pretty girl next to him. "Zara?" she guessed.
The girl gave her a look and walked away.
"She's still mad at you for stealing that guy she liked. Don't take it personal, coz," Peter reminded.
What guy? Laura wondered.
Harry laughed. "Cornelius sure was hung up on you. And sixteen year old at that."
Cornelius? If I'm dreaming why would I think up a name such as Cornelius?
Wills gave Laura a kiss on the cheek.
Laura touched it surprised.
"Happy Birthday, sis," Wills laughed.
"Excuse me," Laura said to the boys. She made her way through the crowd and locked herself in the nearest closet. "JORY!"
Out of no where he appeared.
"Ack!" Laura screamed.
"You rang, master?" he asked.
"Okay, buster. Explain. Where did these clothes come from? How can Diana be alive? And why are Harry and Wills acting like they know me?!"
"Is your desire to know a wish?"
"This is an all out threat!" Laura told him. "If you don't answer me my next wish is going to be a death wish on a certain person in this closet and it's not me!"
"You wished yourself to be a princess. You are." Jory said.
"Diana and Charles are your parents. Harry and Wills are your brothers. You are England's princess."

Chapter Two
"You despicable GENIE," Laura cursed. "The only reason why I wanted to be a princess was so I can marry Wills. Well, being adored by a country is also a plus. Why not the Princess of Spain? Or Sweden?... How can I marry Wills if I'm his sister!"
Jory shrugged. "Hey, you didn't give me specifics."
"So remind me how Diana's not dead?"
"There was no car crash."
"No. No. No. If you were in the real world you'd know that there was that crash in France. The driver was drunk. There were paparazzi chasing them-" she recounted panickedly.
"That real world doesn't exist anymore," Jory told her.
Laura peeked outside. She saw Charles kiss Diana on the cheek. She closed the door. "That's not right. They hate each other."
Jory raised an eyebrow. "It's not right for a husband to kiss his wife?"
"They're divorced!" Laura yelled. "There was this big thing with James Hewitt and and-"
"Diana never met him. Her daughter, you, were sick that day and she stayed home."
Laura took time to recollect her thoughts. "This can't be happening," she told herself.
"You wished it," Jory reminded her.
"Charles and Camilla?" Laura wondered.
"It was long before the royal children were born. That is not affected with you being born into this world."
There was a knock on the door. Wills peeked in. "Are you all right?" he looked at the interior of the closet. "We can here yelling out here."
Laura shook her head strongly. "No, I'm just talking to-"
"Warning: he can't see me." Jory reminded.
"-myself. I'm talking to myself." she told Wills. She gave him a lopsided smile. "I'm not done with my conversation so can you give me some privacy?" she shoved him out.
Wills looked back at the closed door behind him and wondered if he would ever understand his sister.

"Okay. Okay," Laura paced the small closet. "Let me get this straight. I'm Harry's twin sister. Wills is my older brother. Diana and Charles are my parents. And Gregory to me is-"
"Nobody," Jory said. "You're not even supposed to know his name. To him you are only Princess Laura. Not his sister. Not someone he grew up with. He's nothing to you."
There was another knock on the door. "Daughter come out. You have royal duties to attend to."
She recognized the voice as Charles' "I'm coming Your High-" she caught herself. "-I mean, Papa. In a minute." She scraped the icing off her cheek. And tried to straighten her hair and calm herself down. When she re-emerged from the closet everyone looked the other way. They tried so hard to seem casual, pretending that they didn't hear her 'talking to herself' that it was so obvious that they had.
"Princess Laura," a boy called.
Laura turned around. "Yes?"
"I'm Jonathan. I go to school with Harry. We met a month ago. Remember me?"
Of course she didn't. "Oh that Jonathan," Laura nodded.
"So is today the right time?"
Laura continued to nod. "Sure. Yeah. Tonight is perfect."
"Great. I've been waiting a long time." he smiled.
"So have I," she said lying through her teeth. If only Jory were here to tell her what this guy was yakking about. What this cute guy was yakking about.
"Okay, come with me," Jonathan took her hand and brought her to the garden.
"What is it?" Laura asked. They were alone.
"This," Jonathan replied. He kissed her. "Happy Birthday, Your Highness." And he left.
Laura looked after him speechless. Being kissed by cute guy she didn't know? Yeah, being a princess had its rewards.

Chapter Three
"I MADE OUT WITH THE PRINCESS OF ENGLAND" screamed the tabloid cover.
"Jonathan," Laura hissed his name. She saw the headline as they drove by a the newsstand in the chauffeured car that was taking her to St. Mary's. "Change of plan," she told the driver. "Take me to Eton." she ordered.
"You're going to be late for your class," the driver informed.
"You bring me to Eton or I go out of this car and walk there. And if a bullet gets me my father will blame you and and-" she crossed her fingers hoping the man wouldn't see through her bluff.
"All right, Your Highness," the chauffeur complied.
They pulled up into the all boys school. "I want to see Jonathan-" she checked the tabloid she purchased. "Jonathan Sommers."
"All the boys are in chapel right now-"
"Where is it?"
"Where it always is..." the man said, wondering how she had forgotten.
"And that would be?" Laura snapped. Not in the mood to be played with.
"The other side of the quadrangle. But they're having mass. You're not allowed-"
Laura paid no heed to the words as she marched towards the building.
All heads turned as the large doors opened in the back of the church. Then remembering where they were they turned there attention back to the priest giving the sermon.
"Excuse me. Hi. Sorry," Laura smiled awkwardly as she scanned the rows for the face she longed to clobber. She found him. "You come with me."
Jonathan placed his palms together in front of him. A triumphant smile was on his face. "I'm praying," he whispered.
"You're done praying!" Laura informed. She grabbed him by the collar and yanked him outside.
Several boys left the mass and surrounded them.
She threw the tabloid in his face. "How dare you!"
"I can get expelled from talking about Harry or Wills. There's nothing in Eton's code about not being able to talk about you."
"Is that all you can say? No: I'm sorry for being lower than mucus found in a person's nostril?"
Jonathan shrugged. "I got rich. I'm not sorry about that."
"Is there a problem?"
Laura recognized the voice. "Stay out of it, Wills. This doesn't concern you."
"You're my sister. It concerns me." Wills put in.
"C'mon," Jonathan taunted. "Let big brother save you."
"I don't need to," She drew her arm back and punched him in the face. She punched him in the stomach. She stamped on his feet.
Wills drew her back. "I think he's had enough."
Laura looked at Jonathan with loathing. With one final gesture she pushed him back into the church. "Say your prayers." she threatened.

"I GOT BEATEN UP BY THE ENGLAND'S PRINCESS" read the next issue's headline.
Laura walked down the halls of St. Mary's and grabbed the magazine out of the student's hand who was reading it.
The girl left at Laura's glare.
Laura scanned the small article. She screamed as she read the paragraph that recounted of her fight with Jonathan. She tore the magazine to shreds and threw it in the trash. But she was still mad. With nothing else to do she beat against the walls of the corridor and kicked at them. She kept screaming.
A harried teacher rushed outside of a nearby classroom to see what all the ruckus was about. His eyes met Laura's "Your Highness," he scolded.

Laura closed the magazine. She was too exhausted to fight it anymore. She was in St. James' for the weekend. Her life in St. Mary's was consisted of trying to remember lessons she hadn't been taught, detention, and trying to get used to everyone calling her 'the princess'.
There was a knock on her bedroom door.
Her bedroom? She didn't even know where which door lead to the bathroom and which door led to the closet. "Go away!" she told whoever was there. She wiped the tears running down her face.
Wills and Harry went into the room anyway.
"We saw the gossip," Harry said.
"I've already been grounded by Papa till the end of the century. He's going to give me a lecture later. I do not need one from you." She sobbed into a pillow.
She felt Wills's hand on her back giving her soothing and comforting strokes. She lifted her face. "When does it stop?"
Wills sighed. "It stops when you stop giving them stuff to write about."
"And how do I do that?" Laura asked.
"By being perfect," Wills answered.
"Be the perfect daughter? Be the perfect sister? Be the perfect princess?"
"Yes," Harry and Wills both answered.
They had to be joking. It was to much to ask of one person. But when Laura looked in thier faces she knew that they were serious. She sobbed again into her pillow. "Oh brother!"

Laura sat at the dinner table but couldn't eat.
"Laura. What is happening to you?" Charles asked.
"I'm sorry Papa," she sighed.
"I'm sorry Papa. I'm sorry Papa," he mimicked unmercifully. "That's all I've been hearing from you for the last week."
Harry opened his mouth to speak in her defense.
"Silence," Charles ordered. "And that goes the same for you Wills. I'm tired of you boys sticking up for her." He turned his attention back to his daughter. " And what's this I hear from St. Mary's? About you slacking off in your school work?"
"I-I'm having hard time remembering things," Laura defended weakly.
"You didn't have a hard time remembering them last week. You're a straight-A student. Your poor performance this week is going to bring your average down."
"I know, Papa," Laura said meekly. She was close to tears. Her dad had skipped out on her family when she was little. She never experienced trying to please a father. This was her first exposure to it. And she wanted so much to please. And she was failing."What's this? Tears? You're a princess you're not allowed to cry."
Diana who had been silent till this moment placed a hand on her husbands arm. "She understands her mistake, Darling. Don't be so hard on her."
"You," Charles looked at The Princess of Wales. "This all started when you took her to France. She was the perfect daughter till she went on that vacation with you. You did this to her."
"Diana didn't do anything!" Laura yelled, standing up.
"W-What did you call her?" Charles asked.
Laura sat back down. "I mean. Mum, had nothing to do with this. If you want someone to blame. Blame me. There is no one else." She fidgeted. "May I be excused?"
"No. Not until you've give me a satisfactory explanation for your behavior."
Laura looked at him. She looked at Diana. She looked Wills. She looked at Harry. She looked at (though no one else could see him) Jory. Help me, her eyes conveyed.
Wills, Harry and Diana looked at thier dinner. It was a fight between Charles and Laura. Best not to get involved.
"I got it!" Jory proclaimed. "It's crazy. It's stupid. And it just might work!"
"Papa," Laura took a deep breath. "I have amnesia."

Chapter Four
Laura took one look at it and laughed. She was in the washroom taking a bubble bath. "Ah!" she screamed when Jory appeared.
Jory picked up the magazine off the pink rug. "Made the front page again?" he joked.
"At least it doesn't say England's Princess babbles nonsense about finding genie in a bottle." She sank low in the tub trying to hide under the bubbles. "Get out."
Jory laughed. "What are you going to do? Call the royal guards and have me thrown out?"
Laura glared at him. She was tempted to do just that.
"They can't see me," he reminded with a huge smile.
"How can genie's be so irritating?"
Jory sat at the edge of the tub. "Well, being trapped in a bottle for thousands of years we tend to get restless."
"Go see the world. Visit Switzerland! Check out what's happening in the White House," Laura tried to wave him away.
"You still want this life?" Jory asked. 'After all the trouble you've gotten into in the last few days."
"So I messed up a little. But I'm learning how to be a royal. Slowly learning. It's not like they can throw me off the succession line."
Jory's tone turned serious. "Don't you miss your family?"
Laura turned away so she wouldn't have to answer.
"Don't you?" Jory persisted.
Laura handed him a tiny bottle of scented bath oil. "Look at this. Look at the price at the bottom. My mother Gregory and I have to save for months to get that kind of money." She moved a little causing the water in the tub to make waves. "I remember when I was young. Greg would tell me, One day I'm going to build you a castle. And a few years ago my mom told me. I want to give you the best of everything." Laura looked around the ornate room. "Isn't this it? Greg and mom had this mentality of: If you're happy then I'm happy. So I'm happy. And if they knew what happened to me I'm sure they're happy for my good fortune." but she wasn't sure how much of what she was saying, she actually believed. "Besides," she looked at Jory. "It's not like they're missing me..."
Jory was silent.
"Are they?" Laura needed to know.
Jory shook his head. "No. They have no memory of you."
"So I'm not hurting anyone." A little voice inside her asked. Maybe you're hurting yourself. Laura told the voice to shut up.
Jory stood up. "If you ever want your old life back. It's just a wish away."
And he vanished.

Glass: Chapters 4-7

©Copyright 1998-2002 TPCstarrside